Monday, February 23, 2009

10 Years

On February 13, 1999, I married Laura in small Episcopal church on the west side of Houston. Since then, God has used her to mold me into the man I am today.

I think back over the last ten years, and I see the birth of our two daughters and the adoption of our third one. I see the career changes we have made, one trying to better provide while the other sacrifices to raise and teach our children. I see the trials that have made us stronger. I see a couple learning to love more deeply everyday.

Laura, I am so grateful that God put you in my life. Every day I learn how to love more, to give more, and to be more, because you deserve more.

Besides, how can I not love a girl that can shoot like this?

I love you, Laura, and I can't wait to see what the next ten years brings.