Monday, October 27, 2008

Happy Halloween

Well, Halloween is upon us. Soon all sorts of ghosts and goblins, super heroes and princess, pirates and ninjas will be hitting the streets, knocking on doors and yelling "Trick or Treat!"

Its neat seeing the kids going door to door again. During the 70's, there was a big scare of poisoned candy and razors in apples. The town I grew up in started providing Halloween Carnivals and Haunted Houses to give kids something else to do. This was all fun but it never was the same. There was something uniquely fun about putting together a costume and for one night be what ever I wanted to be going door to door.

The girls have questions about ghosts and witches and I think this is a good thing. Its an opportunity to teach them about my faith and what the Bible says. I can use Halloween to teach them about evil and keep them innocent of it.

Now, I am all about safety and protecting our kids. My girls will have flashlights. Mom or Dad will be near at hand, and of course, I will be sampling the goodies. Happy Halloween.

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