Thursday, January 8, 2009

Back At It

Well, it's been some time since my last post. A lot has happened in the passing of the last two months. To start, I was laid off from my job at Pine Cove. It was a big blow. We had a bunch questions. Would we need to leave Tyler, Texas? How long would it take to get a another job? What if my severance ended before I found something else? What I did know, was that God was in charge. He would provide or He wanted to teach me something. What ever it was, I never failed to know that He loves me and he had a plan. My job was to be diligent and purposeful in all I did.

I need to mention that during this time, I was truly blessed by people that I know are my friends. One man in particular really came along side of me. We had the opportunity spend time with each other hunting and shooting. We didn't see any deer, but the time he took to listen to my ramblings, encourage me and pray for me meant more to me than anything else. To Mark; thank you.

I was only unemployed for a week. I was offered an opportunity to try something new and use my skills in a different area. So I switched from network and system management to programming, and I am loving it.

Thanksgiving day was special this year. I had some much to be grateful for. I had heard from an old friend through Facebook. He had gone through a very tough time and came out the other side with the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Now I can tell you that when Brian and I where kids, God and eternity where the last thing on our minds. If it was at all. I came to faith in 1996 after hitting a bottom in my own life. After that I had often wondered about those in my past. Had any ever came to the same point in life and saw God for who He is? I often had prayed this for Brian. To find out that my best friend from my teenage and young adult years would be there in Heaven too is more of a blessing than I can truly express.

Christmas was great. On Christmas eve, our family had a little devotional. My eight year old, Claire, read Luke's account of the first Christmas. During the whole season, the girls really tried to keep Jesus the center of their Christmas. Oh sure they had the list of gifts that they wanted, and the lists changed almost daily. But, they also continued to ask questions about Jesus and his birth. It was such a blessing to see my daughters growing in their knowledge of Him. We all got some great stuff too. I received some new games, and I'm looking forward posting some reviews soon.

We Spent New Years Eve with friends and brought in the New year with a huge fireworks display. 2008 had a few of ups and a few downs, but God was always there. God used this last year to drive me to Him. So, along with some other resolutions, I'm back at it with this blog. I hope you all will come back and see what 2009 brings.


Todd Wright said...

Great post!

Anonymous said...

Glad you're on board with us, Tom -- it's great having you here!

Anonymous said...

Just read your blog. Good to read that you are doing well.
Terry T
B Co 1/325

Tom McKeand said...

Terry, Man, I can't beleave it.
Please email me. You can do this by going to my profile. I have got to know how you are doing.