Thursday, January 28, 2010

Catching Up

OK, its been quit a while since my last post. Sorry about that. So what's been going on? A whole bunch and nothing at all. What I mean is, nothing big or ground breaking has happened. We've just been busy with life.

My job with is going well. The site is doing well and I continue to grow in my programming skills.

Laura and I took the family to Florida with some friends during the summer. We stayed in a condo in Rosemary Beach. It was one of the best vacations I have ever taken. Everyone had a great time.

I didn't get to go hunting this year. That was a real disappointment, but I did get a new Weatherby .300 Win Mag. It packs a real wallop and took a few shots to get used to the kick. It's a tack driver and a hoot to shoot.

I took my younger girls camping for the first time. We went in the spring and then again in the fall. I think this will become an annual tradition.

I've gotten the chance to play some 40K. Its been a good long time since I played last and found the rules had been revised again. It was good to field my Tau army. I'm currently collecting a new Space Marine army.

So like I said, nothing really ground breaking to report. Laura and I continue to grow in our relationship with the Lord and in our marriage. The girls are all growing up way too fast and keep us very busy. We're just living life the best we can and being grateful along the way.

So whats to come? You'll just have to come back and see.

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